Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday thoughts

Once in a while when you nag, it's fine; totally fine with me. But the fact was, you kept nagging almost every single day. I'm not trying to say that nagging was wrong, but that was too extreme and I couldn't help but saying that you're annoying.

Not me, but every one around me know you and your typical style/pattern. Some times I really don't understand the bias-ness you have, seriously. I'm also not saying that you're ill-treating me, but some times you're going overboard.

Just don't try your luck and push my limit any further.

Some times I think the dogs at my house is having a better life than I do. What to do? This is life, and I've to swallow every thing you gave (including shits) down. Like I've always said, you're bias. Yes, so what? You would always give me the same reply...... "Didn't I give you what I gave her?"...

SO WHAT? SO WHAT? Seriously. Does that really matters so much? It's not about the quantity you gave, but is the quality that you're giving.

I know I've grown up, and ought to start thinking... So here I am, thinking very hard every day.... I'm just waiting for that day...............

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