Sunday, March 23, 2014

I miss you a little more each time..

You make me happy when skies are gray.

The start of internship makes me wanna treasure the time with you more. I hate it especially when I had to work over the weekends, which took away my private time with you.

We used to spend weekends together (I mean every weekends ever since we were together). We would go to the same places every weekend without getting bored. Now, I wished we could still have those days. Fridays are no longer the day I wish them to come by as soon as possible anymore. I just wish I could see you every day after a long and tiring day of work. I look forward to seeing you every day.

I want nothing but just fast forward the time to the end of August. I want to get over everything and spend quality time with you every single day.

I miss you, terribly much. :'( 

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