Tuesday, April 05, 2011


This holiday was so exciting! I enjoyed myself since day 1 of holiday. :D Bby stayed over at my place like almost every day! Woohoo, lovin' it muchie!! That's so wonderful about my holidays. But it's coming to an end veh soon!! Then bby will only stay over during weekends. :(
But, tonight i'm spending my night without bby boy. :( Any way, had my second driving lesson in the afternoon with bby. I swear that instructor suck much lor. Wtv, cause I'm gonna fixed my instructor veh soon! Then headed down to Bugis, to get my chicken burger! (Y)Veh veh nice okay! I know bby love it too! Followed by JP for dinner, as bby wanna have steamboat. Met mom over @ JP, then home-d together with bby too.
Lastly, I'm feeling veh excited! B'cuz I'm so gonna travel to Genting with bby in two weeks time again! (Y) I'm happygirl92. ^^ The feeling is extremely great! YES, AM ANTICIPATING!!!!!!! :D

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