Thursday, March 03, 2011

Exams & exams.

Going the extra mile...

Decided to give school a miss yesterday and today. Despite knowing that exams are so near. But my tummy is so terribly pain. ): Any way, bby also forbid me to attend school. ^^ So I've got to self study at home. But, somehow my resting time is always much longer than my studying time. No choice uh, I can't resist... my bed!!!! But i know i've got t study over th weekends, cause exams is less than 4 days time.

Any way, bby is coming over to my place now now now!! (Y) Happy me!! I hope he's going to study with me later!! ^^ But he's leaving in th evening for dinner ): Nevermind, tomorrow he's gonna stay over!!!! I don't care! ^^

Time to rest, and get back to my revision later! >:

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