Thursday, February 17, 2011

With your presence, every day is already Valentine's day.
I really dislike waking up for school nowadays. Have been skipping school like no one's business. I never failed to feel so tired every time i wake up for school. School is making me feel so bored. Thank god, but i hope this one last year will go on smoothly and quickly. I'm really sick and tired of school life. ): I know my interest for studies are already dead. ALL DEAD. I've gave up. ):
However, major exams are coming in early march. Sigh ):



School ended as late as 2plus that day. Headed down to Cine's cathay to catch 'What women wants' @4:50pm. I actually slept 1hour30minutes throughout the movie!! LOL. & bby says he won't want to watch movie with me next time anymore. ): After movie, we headed down to Ion for dinner @ Swensens. & bby bought me a G-star long sleeves. Thank you bby, love you muchiex. (:
It's indeed a short and simple celebration, due to school. ): But, I enjoyed this special day with you. Finally home-d @ 10pm, & bby stayed over that night. ^^

Headed down to Zoe's place @12plus. Main reason was to bake cookies for bby for valentine! She's very nice, because she had actually helped me bought those ingredients. (: Bake loads of cookies for bby as Valentine's gift. I hope he love it though. Any way, I had a great time baking @ Zoe's place. (: I'm home @ 7pm.

Caught homecoming with bby @ plaza sing GV. I finally got to watch it after so long! By then it's evening already, had our fav kimchi noodle as usual. Walked around and home-d. Bby stayed over again! Bby had been staying over at my place recently! Lovin' it much! (Y)

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